Thursday, September 10, 2009

Get Control of the Joe Wilson Story

First, the obvious. Obama hit on all cylinders last night. US history, Ted Kennedy, the American character. He framed the debate clearly and all came away with an understanding of the issue's gravity and the cost of doing nothing. He even challenged his own base, positioning himself as a centrist. (By the way, framing the "single payer" as extreme, to make the "public option" more centrist was brilliant.)

But then... there was Joe Wilson. The SC congressman who shouted during the speech. His whole career will likely be remembered for that moment. But, if Democrats don't get control of this story and its message, they'll also carry the heckler's albatross around their necks.

A quick scan of top news reveals the damage. Instead of reviews on the speech, we're seeing the President pitted against his interupter. Now, headlines read, "Congressman Heckles President." Yikes. In some corners of the world (or in college basketball arenas), heckling's even cool. And I'm not just saying that because I once aspired to be heckler-in-chief in college.

Not only are Dems losing control of the post speech headlines, but they're also aiming straight for this guy, talking about he disrespected the office of the presidency.

NO. The Democrats should not position themselves as tattle tails who complain about respect. NO. They have to position this as an example of the opposition being unwilling to engage in serious debate. They started by making a clumsy effort, referencing townhalls. But now, Joe Wilson needs to be become a symbol of obstruction, not disrespect.

It's time, for once in this debate, for the Dems to take control of the message, not the other way around.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The reason the heckler is getting attention is because the mainstream media is run by corporations whose motive is profit. Thus the sensationalistic is reported in lieu of what is actually important. CNN was the last TV channel to jump the shark, and they did so years ago.